Sunday, May 13, 2007

Expection Level

Introduction, the level of our expectations have a direct relationship to our level of Self stress.

Expectation Levels
One of our most import human needs is attention. Caring attention is the expression of LOVE. Our expectation for the level of attention, (type & amount) can be unrealistic sometimes. It it at these times that we suffer from the Self stress of high level expectation. The practice of using meditation to inquire into the mind and what is needing attention, leads to more understanding and less stress.

Summary, there are many objects of expectation or types of expectation that we are not consciously aware of. With a open and non-judgmental inquiry we learn much about our own personnel levels of expectation and their level of appropriateness.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The 70% Principle

When you are going to create something new. Consider the 70% principle. It it often more important to get the project completed to the point that is functional. Then come back to fine tune it later.

To created the 100% perfect creation the 1st time involves:
  • a lot of extra time
  • a lot of extra stress
It is not that you do not care about the finish product. Rather you know that you can come back to it later and do another 20%. And even later to do another 20%.

This means that it is 'a work in progress'. That is being improve on a on-going bases. The result is it will include features /content the could not have been thought of at the beginning.

It is also a good exercise in humility. :-)